Whew...my last blog was in November and here it is April already! Here is an original question: where does the time go? Nevermind, it just goes.
Knitting wise, I finished a yellow shawl and gave it to a friend whose husband passed away this last December. Not unexpected, but still hard to see him go. They had been married just over 60 years and she is at peace with his passing because she knows she will see him again. The shawl was a lovely, soft yellow, about five feet long, 2.5 feet wide, just enough to wrap around and feel the love knitted into it.
My newest project is the Vernal Equinox shawl from Ravelry, although in quite a larger gauge than shown on that site. It is in a white wool/acrylic blend which I "received" as part of a donation where I work. It will be finished shortly (assuming I work on it regularly. Taking time off to knit a deconstructed crocheted string bag cuts into the shawl knit time)
And speaking of deconstructing a project: I desperately tried to find a wedding glove pattern on the web and on the way to finding Nancy Bush's pattern, I happened upon one from the UK that became more of a mess the longer I knitted it! It was Madeira-type knitting (both sides are patterned)and even though I pretty much dislike Madeira-style knitting, I decided to give it a try because that is all I had. In addition to the body of the glove being that style of knitting, it also had a wristband feature that was extremely convoluted. After a few false starts, I ended up graphing the pattern which was not much help but was instructive in making me believe that the pattern originally had a return purl row between pattern rows because when I knitted it that way, the pattern suddenly looked like what one would expect and not a mushed together mess. However at that point, I gave up on it. I wasn't at all happy with the results and when my sister sent me Nancy Bush's pattern from Patternworks, I started that and am now at the thumb divide on the first glove. It looks so much better!